Thursday, August 14, 2008

Road to the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming

July 25 – Friday (Cool, Dry, 80’s)

When we woke up today, the sun was shining and the night had been cool (50’s). It felt good after all the heat we have endured. Since yesterday we were turned back from getting to Bear Lake and Alberta Falls, we left early to arrive at the bussing point and get a jump on the crowds. We arrived at the Alberta Falls trailhead around 8:00am. We hiked the 2.1 miles to the falls where we were treated to a small water fall whose creek ran into Bear Lake. There were only a few people there and the day was perfect.

Isaiah, the daring son, hopped over rocks and somehow ended up on the other side of the creek. He posed out on a branch. We were amazed at how clear and sparkling the water was. I wet my face and took a taste. It was cold and refreshing. There is something about a waterfall that is made by God that reminds me of his awesome power. The water challenges any hard surface to remain the same because of its persistence in eroding away at whatever it touches. Isn’t that just like the cleansing water from on high. Constantly washing us and purging us from sin.

After staying a while at the falls, we walked back down and instead of returning to the trailhead, went on to Bear Lake. It is a rather large lake and as smooth as glass at this time in the morning. It made Sprague lake look small. The trail around Bear was more rugged and could not be done in the time we had so we looked, we saw, we took pictures and we left for the trailhead where we returned to the shuttle bus that brought us to our car. Because of the late start, we knew making the Tetons before dark was not going to happen so we stopped short in a small town of 500 people called Bondarant. We were treated to a wonderful sunset. We pulled into a Phillips 66 gas station because it looked like the only place that felt safe. As it turned out, there was an RV Park there but it was full. I asked the lady if we could hang behind the dump truck next to the river and she agreed. She asked me to square up in the morning. We backed into a perfectly level spot and retired. Early in the morning I paid the man $10 for the night.

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