Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Taming the Arkansas River – Day 2

July 20 – Sunday (Hot, Partly Cloudy, Dry, 90’s)

After a good nights sleep I got up at 6:30 am and walked down to the camp. Shahir had already scrambled up the rocks and saw the sunrise and Sanet was getting things ready for breakfast. Emily was stirring as well and shortly arose to help Sanet. I helped Shahir make my Kona coffee. It was on the light side but tasted better than any canned coffee. The guides cooked breakfast while I sat and watched. I really waned to help but they would have nothing to do with it. We had scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, toast, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Oh yeah! After breakfast Sanet cleaned up and we went to pack up our belongings. Shahir, Sanet and Emily began packing their gear to bring to our next camping site. We began talking about the third day and the possibility of doing the Royal Gorge. It is Echo’s policy that no one under 16 yo raft it due to the number of class 4’s. We had some rights of passage before he would make the request. The boys had to demonstrate there ability to swim to shore from rapids. I went with them for support. I went out first, then Isaiah, then Ethan. It was tough…for all of us. I guess I am getting older than I think. We all made it to shore and Shahir gave the boys the OK. Dad was happy too!

The guides thought it would be fun for the 3 of us to float down the Arkansas on a Paco pad so we tried it onl to be pushed back by the river. I then doubled one over and tried it myself. Oh no! I went too far into the river and had to paddle from one side to the other. I missed the turn off and Shahir threw the bag of rope to me and helped guide me to shore. I was not embarrassed at all. When someone throws a rope to you, grab it! I also saved the pad. Whew! I was tired.

After drying off, we loaded our gear into the gear boat then climbed into our raft and continued down the river. Today we are entering Browns Canyon, a private wilderness preserve. The major rapids today included Pinball, Zoom Flume, Big Drop, the staircase a series of 7 rapids, and many more. There are mostly class 3 and we went through the narrowest part of the river. The entire Arkansas River flows through a section no bigger than the width of the raft. Browns Canyon is a wilderness preserve that was set aside by the state. Basically there are n homes or other commercial use allowed. It is pristine and although the rafting is mostly 1’s, 2’s and 3’s, it is beautiful and gave us a a leisurely float down one of the most beautiful rivers in the most beautiful canyon. Shahir showed some of his talent and we floated backwards, did circles and swam several times. We did get a picture opportunity on this day. The name of the rapid was Zoom Flume and it was class 3 almost a 4 and we hit it hard. Everyone was having a blast. Oh yeah, for those of you who have seen the show LOST. Who does Shahir remind you of? He actually could double for him.

Shahir remembered a little water fall that he had not visited in years so we pulled over on a beautiful afternoon and went for a short hike up the tributary that fed the Arkansas. We climbed over granite, some of the hardest in the world and found a beautiful waterfall. I noticed in the second picture a portrait of a lion. We named it Simba’s rock. Shahir had never been to the upper part of the waterfall and of course my daring son Isaiah had to explore more.
AS we went down the river, the boys went for a swim and I snapped pictures of the river.
We took the rafts out down river and had a rather long drive back to the second nights camping spot. On the way I snapped several photos of the land around us.
We camped the second night where we ate lunch the first night but not before a quick stop in Buena Vista for a Mocha Frappachino made with real ground Kona beans. Once at camp, Sanet and Shahir started dinner while Emily showed us her Girt. A girt (spelling) is a Mongolian home that was used by Genghis Kahn because it could be moved very quickly. The accordion style wals just collapse and the canvas walls are folded up. Cool!We also met Nikko. She is a Frisbee dog. I would toss the canvas Frisbee and Nikko would catch it then return it to me. The only problem was Nikko wanted to play with the Frisbee for ever. We then played botchy ball. Ethan and mom beat dad and Isaiah by one point. At this point dinner was ready. Mahi-mahi fish sandwiches with a salsa spread made of red cabbage, yogurt, chipotles and onions. Shahir bought a nice French cheese roll that was out of this world. I put some lettuce and tomato on them and wow! We also had a tomato, mozzarella and basil salad with a balsamic vinegar dressing. We had smores for desert but no one wanted any except Isaiah. After dinner, I convinced Sanet and Emily to leave the dishes and come to the hot springs with us. Shahir and Emily had been before. When we arrived, they were closing in 10 min. Sunday they closed early. Normally they are open to 11pm. We were a little bummed but came back to camp, Discussed the agenda and strategy for the Royal Gorge. Shahir had called the office to let them know we were going down it if Sanet would help paddle. In fact, Emily volunteered to help on her day off, but ended up working after all. Isaiah and I set up our sleeping bags and pads under the stars. There was a slight breeze, the sound of the Arkansas and absolutely no bugs. We felt comfy in our 15 degree bags. I was a little too warm. Soon we were all sleeping. We have a big day coming up tomorrow.

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