Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mesa Verde 1st day – The “Green tables” created by the Lord for Indian protection.

July 12 –Saturday (Hot, 90’s, Dry, No Rain – Again!)

We awoke to a bright sunny day. Scott had already been up when I exited the motorhome and he was pumping diesel fuel into his truck from a 70 gallon drum he carried with him. I asked him and his wife if we could snap a photo for our blog, they obliged.

We were glad that the Lord put them in this spot at this time, otherwise, I would not had stayed here. Thank you Scott and Pam and God Bless. We took time this morning to read chapter 5 of Nehemiah. Sometimes it is necessary to build at the same time you are combating the enemy. While we are building our family together by focusing on Christ we are also batlling the enemy. It requires prayer, leadership and brethren to help fight the battle with you. We left for monument valley on our way to Mesa Verde, CO. We are still in Arizona at this point but will go through Utah to get to Colorado. As we drove, the formations became alive. Beautiful reds and well cut mesas that resembled fins and tables.

We came upon a large RV place called Gouldings RV Park. It was a tourist site in the middle of no where. We had to pull in. It was placed right in the Mesas of Monumnet Valley. It would had been a great spot to stay…If we only knew. At this point we were figuring out the Woodall’s campground book we bought. We had to do this beciae the passport America was starting to be no as useful. It looks like during the summer months, not all of the Passport America places honor the ½ off price. We did some shopping then left. As we drove, we saw more unique formations …a cub scout sign and Mexican hat rock.

We then went to a unique part of the country. It is a place called four corners and is the only place in America where four corners of four states meet. They are Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. You can literally put one hand in Arizona, one hand in Utah, One foot in New Mexico and one foot in Colorado. We took a picture there and had each member of the family in a different state. It was a riot.As we left, we asked a man t take the picture in return for a snow cone for is family. He started to leave when I reminded him. As it turns out, he had used his last penny literally to get his family into the monument and a snow cone was what they desired but did not have anyway to buy it. Jehovah Jireh, the Lord provides. I gave him our testimony and as it turns out they were believers coming from a non-denominational church. We shared in the Lord for a good ½ hour and he told us of a Christian book he was writing to help kids to learn to ski, it started as a song about Noah’s Ark and how animals would help the kids learn to ski. He sang it for us. Cool! We added them to tour prayer list because he had a son that he was denied pateral rights to and was looking to gain custody. As usual, I snapped a picture of this happy family (Kevin and Alice, kids:Alex, Rachael and Jacob). We then headed for Mesa Verde National Park.
We made the steep climb to our campground which was 4 miles in, set up camp and had dinner. Tonight was corn on the cob, BBQ chicken and a salad. We bought tickets for 2 ranger guided tours tomorrow of Cliff and Balcony Palace Pueblos. This way we could go down inside the structures. At this point I had no idea what we were even looking at. There are 2 major loops in Mesa Verde the Chapin Mesa and the Wetheril Mesa. We were camping at Morefield Village.After dinner, I took some picture of the sunset around our site and wrote up some of the trip. Therese washed dishes and tidied up while the boys ran around outside. Shortly there after we went to bed.

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