Friday, July 4, 2008

The Walls of Jerusalem - The Road to Lake Amistad Reservoir

June 28 - Saturday (Cloudy then T-Storm, Clearing, Hot, Dry, 96, Breezy)

This morning, the family awoke and we all took our time getting ready to leave. We had a short drive to Del Rio which is a bit off the main drive to Carlsbad but a necessary stop for any bass angler. Lake Amistad is one of the stops on the Pro B.A.S.S. elite tour. I will spend more time in the next blog entry explaining its significance. Actually there are two lakes here that pros fish, the second is Falcon lake which the record was set at 130+ pounds. (That’s 5 bass a day over 4 days, averaging over 6 pounds a fish).
Before we got on the road, the Lord put it on my heart to start reading Nehemiah. Not sure if it was the Alamo or N.O. experience or just the Lords direction that led me there. When I really thought about it, it boiled done to dedication to the will of God and persevering until the end. This, in my opinion, is so much of what Nehemiah means to me….dedication. So I read the preamble in my bible and was amazed at how when a man of God is purposed in his heart and led by the Spirit and will of God can achieve so much over such a little period of time. In 52 days, Nehemiah was able to rebuild the shattered walls of Jerusalem, yet it took years and Years of dedication and godly leadership by Nehemiah to see the lives of people reformed. As I read to the family chapter 1, We were reminded of the burden Nehemiah had for God’s people. Remember, Israel had been scattered through the lands and Jerusalem laid in ruins. Nehemiah asked Hanani for a report of Jerusalem. Hanani told Nehemiah that the people were in great distress and reproach.
And in verse 4 Nehemiah says “So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven.”
He then proceed to ask God in sincere prayer that the Lord would “let your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant”. He asked God to forgive himself and Jerusalem from their sin, and reminded the Lord that if Jerusalem would repent and turn again to Him, that he would gather them and bring them to the place which the Lord had chosen as a dwelling place for His name.
It was the prayer and fasting that really struck me. I guess real work of the Lord gets done when we pray and fast. The lord really hears us when we are obedient to this. Needless to say we decided to put our prayer life into high gear.We prayed then packed to leave. Once on the road, I mediated on the Word. As we drove to Del Rio, Texas; once again the landscape changed. We headed North first for a short detour to the San Antonio Bass Pro Shop. It was huge! We parked way out in the parking lot and went in to buy some gear. This store is a frequent stop for pros as they gear up for fishing in this area. When my wife and I entered, we were aghast by the taxidermy (stiffed animals) that were spread throughout the store. Isaiah noticed a large climbing wall and decided to try his skill. A little blurry but he made it to the top.
Once leaving Bass Pro, we headed for Del Rio. There is really not much to report. I made arrangements for fishing the next day and we mostly noticed that the landscape became more like a desert as we progressed from San Antonio to Del Rio. Our destination was the Holiday Trav-L RV Park, it was recommended to us by our fishing guide. Del Rio is a real city, with a Wal Mart and other shopping. But once we left Del Rio for Lake Amistad, there was nothing but barren land. We did see a lot of Realty signs offering plots of land. We arrived shortly before dark. By now I think we have settled in on the name “Bailey’s Blessing” for our RV since it has had little problems and we have driven about 2500 miles by now. Ethan came up with RAY USA in honor of my dad since he did a lot of RV’ing and it was his nickname, Isaiah came up with…yup…you guessed it LWRV.
Once at our site, we rolled out the awning and laid our mat, by this time less and less of our personal equipment was rolled out. We are beginning to do with less. Next time, we will bring less. Well we all went swimming in a very nice outdoor pool then retired to a very breezy night which rocked the awning and motorhome.

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