Thursday, July 3, 2008

Remember the Alamo!...and Jesus Christ!

June 27 – Friday (97°, Hot, Very warm breeze, dry)

In retrospect this turned out to be a very blessed day…read on…

The next morning we asked about visiting the Alamo and the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Both are located off the public bus route. The bus had a stop right in front of the KOA! It cost us a dollar a piece. As I sat on the bus, I realized that many people in this life use public transportation as their sole source of transportation. As a car owner, this is not as real to me in Syracuse. As you all know we are not towing a car so heading into a big city with the motorhome is not the wisest thing to do. In fact, in some cities they are not allowed (ie. New Orleans). Once at Alamo Plaza, we exited to again a beautiful 97° day but very breezy. This time it was a hot breeze. We looked for shade and air conditioning whenever we could. We found the Alamo and decided to purchase the audio tour. This turned out to be a great idea! I witnessed to the audio tour clerk who professed to be saved, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit as of 5 years ago. It seems as though everywhere we go, I happen to talk to the believer, but not always a sanctified believer.
We started the tour, it has 26 stopping points and will take 2 hours. The Alamo itself is an abandoned church that is no bigger than the LWC church store. Inside the church there are flags from every state in the union where people had left their home state to find a new home in Texas in the Alamo fortress. We noticed Tennessee had the most people, 30.

Its significance to Texas is nothing short of heroic. It was the death place of Jim Bowie (Bowie knife), David Crockett (great frontiersman) and William Travis who at 26, commanded the Texan army. So as not to repeat history on my blog, I will let you look up the battle

Basically Santa Anna was looking to retake Texas and used as many as 3000 troops to massacre about 250 Texans held up at the Alamo complex (3 arcres). The real significance of the battle was not understood until Houston’s army defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto to the cry of “Remember the Alamo…”. There are many films produced on its content including the John Wayne classic. We decided to see the most accurate rendition offered at the IMAX theatre in San Antonio. But first to kill some time, we went to the Riverwalk to…well…walk. It reminded me of the vision Syracuse has for Destiny. When we talked with those folks they showed us a picture of a river with hotels and restaurants and shops that would be accessible from the river. Check out these pictures to see if it isn’t what they are envisioning.
We met a born again believer named Maria. She is an information guide along the river. We chatted for about 5 minutes then prayed together right there on the Riverwalk. Amen! We were blessed and I reflected on the love of God for all men.
We then walked as far as we could go, and returned to the IMAX. We had about 20 min until the show so I sat down. A man approached and sat in the chair next to me. His name is Sean. He is an IMAX employee. He started up a conversation and almost immediately I asked him if he had a personal relationship with God’s Son Jesus Christ. A smile came upon his face. He began to tell me that is from the Bronx in NY. He told me that he grew up on the wrong side of the law and spent 2 years in prsion. I did not ask why. He Told me he was offered a new life in here in San Antonio by his brother, a life in Christ. Since living here, he started a music ministry for young kids, praise and worship music. My wife and children joined in. He was amazed that children could grow up in Christ, an opportunity he did not take advantage of. We talked, then all of us came into a circle, held hands and prayed for our trip and his ministry together right there in the IMAX theatre lobby. When I left Sean he had a smile a mile wide on his face., quickened by the Holy Spirit. What a day in Christ. The Judean experience is continuing to stay alive in our hearts.
Upon our return, I spoke to a non-believer about the love of Christ, he confessed he is a backslider and had become deep in sin. He asked us for 50 cents for the bus. I told him Jesus loved him and he could return, the man looked at the ground. Our bus came so I gave him one of our little books on getting saved and left for the KOA.

That evening we all spent reflecting. I ended the day by fixing my air-conditioner on our roof from midnight to 1am. A little water leak I took care of. Just one more thing to add to the “problem” list that is growing by the week. Thank the Lord it is all under warranty.

1 comment:

Redeemed74 said...

Dear Family,

So far from home,but close in the Lord.

I read your blog and am blessed.

I have family in Louisianna; my mother's side. From Crowley, Raine, Vinton, Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, N.Orleans, Etc.

You bring smiles accross my heart of the times I would spend there with my Grand Parents. Going to church and seeing family.

Bro.Shadrack Brooks officated their 50th wedding anniversay at the Baptist Church so long ago.

They're all wating for us at the East Gate.

May Our Lord continut to "direct your paths".

I look forward to your homecoming and reading more of your adventure.

God Bless,
Sis.Barb Turner