Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Witnessing for Christ in the Big Easy – New Orleans (Part 2)

OK I am back blogging. Remember it will be feast or famine based on internet access.

After the word, we decided to go into the French Quarter and have a look around. On the Riverwalk, right on the Mississippi river, there is the Audubon Aquarium and the Insectarium. There are also many paddle boats that one can take a river cruise. NO has a street car that travels from one end of the River walk to the other. It is a unique experience.

At the Insectarium, Ethan was in his glory since this is the year he needs to turn in his insect collection. We have been catching insects from each of our stopping places. Both boys ate meal worms! No kidding I took a picture.

Here are two pictures for Bro. Gary. Ethan is going into the 7th grade and is doing his insect collection. Ethan wanted to pin many of the insects he saw but a picture will have to do.

In the aquarium, the kids touched the sharks. We walked to Café Du Munde, a famous landmark on the river. They sell hickory coffee and Beignets, which are like deep fried dough covered with powdered sugar. Yum, yum! I bought 3. They were gone in minutes. We then went to the corner café where Runaway Jury was filmed. I actually was here at a conference and remember watching the filming. It was a day seen that was shot at night. We walked through Jackson square and by the old church. As we returned to catch the shuttle back to the KOA, I passed by Christian group that was getting ready to worship to the Lord. I wanted to stay and hear but our shuttle was due to arrive in 10 min. Bummer! We jumped on the shuttle and returned to the KOA. We then had dinner and went biking up on the levy. This is really cool. They rebuilt the levy after Katrina. And put a bike path on top of it. You can ride for 14 miles all the way to the zoo.

We came back at around 8:30pm, spoke to a local policeman then retired.