Sunday, June 29, 2008

Working to Rebuild Amanda’s home and life.

June 23 – June 25 (Hazy, Very Hot and Humid, some T-storms rolled by)

After the tour of the 9th Ward, Isaiah and I were dropped off at Amanda’s house where we will be working for all 3 days, while Therese and Ethan went somewhere else to work. I gathered that Amanda has been living at her mothers for 3 years while her home went untouched. There is a travel trailer outside the home. Charles team was to complete as much of the sheet-rocking, mudding and taping as possible. I later found out from Amanda that the sheetrock had been delivered to her home 3 years ago and she has been waiting to get it hung. From what I gathered, Camp Collide lets folks know that they have teams of people who can help rebuild their home and when contacted the home owner is put on a list. I gathered there are 90 homes on their list as of our arrival. Camp Collide is part of a parish and as they rebuild peoples homes, they spread the good news of Jesus Christ hoping folks will attend a local church, hence the rebuilding of a home and peoples lives in Christ. Well Amanda got the call and when we arrived much of the sheet rocking was done except in the living room, laundry room and some in the bathroom. On a good day, professional sheet-rockers could had knocked this out in a day. It would take our team the entire week. But that’s OK. Here are pictures of Amanda’s home and some team members (Carsten, Molly, Isaiah, Jackie and Dori who did not want to be on the blog). Most of the kids helping were between the ages of 13 and 21. You are looking at our mudders, tapers and sanders.

Then there was the sheet rock team, (Paul, Isaiah, Hunter, Connor)

And of course the Team Coordinator, Charles

One thing that any construction worker needs in NO is a big box fan and thankfully Amanda’s house had a hand made one that Charles rigged up. We pointed it out the door so as not to stir up the plaster dust. Each day we would arrive in the morning, pick up our tools and follow Charles. Just a play on words but in many ways we were picking up our cross and following Jesus. The other thing a construction worker must have in N.O. is water…ice water. We had cold water but not ice water…until the last day.